Friday, May 25, 2012

Troop-a-Loop Takes My Husband - Part V

It always seems to sneak up in me. I always know it is coming and I always hate enduring the "goodbye" dinners with the families and the "let's keep our mind off of it so you don't lose it" attitude. But nevertheless, the Troopers drum corps will be taking my husband for another 8 weeks out of my year on Sunday while I waste away studying at home. The only good thing that comes out of him leaving is that by the time he comes back, I will only have about 3 more weeks of my summer classes left. That and Sully gets to sleep in the bed with me for protection. I love my husband and his passion for what he does as a percussionist and a teacher, but the fact that it takes him away from me for so long kind of sucks. Last year, he left of the first day of my first year of PT school and all of my new friends that I made that first summer thought I had an imaginary husband. That I had made him up. Sigh. But alas, what must be done must be done. He hasn't even left yet and I am already ready for him to be home.

To further the sadness, my lazy three weeks of summer is almost over. I am ready to see everyone again but not with the study-filled strings attached. I haven't even come close to completing or even starting the majority of my projects I wanted to do. But it's not like I won't have time on my hands. Husband-less.... Remember?

I have enjoyed time by the pool, chilling with the family and relaxing though. Nicole's wedding played an exciting part to my vacation and I got to catch up with my sweet J. Dylan is HOME and will be until July when he starts his summer classes at State. Mom is a happy camper. We do have Fridays off this summer so I will hopefully be able to use that as relaxation as much as studying. Meg has already recruited me to help her get her room ready for her kindergarten class next year. Should be good bonding for us. It's been a while. Other than that the rest of my time will be spent waiting Steven to hurry up with the tour and come home! Here are some pictures from the recent events!!

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