Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It has been a wild ride for the newest Rosses in the last 365 days.  After getting married, getting rejected from GA Tech, Steven touring with the Troopers, getting accepted to GA Tech, changing life plans from O&p to PT, taking extra classes, finding a good job, becoming a band director at MC, getting a dog, applying to MORE grad programs, waiting... waiting... and waiting... being accepted to UMC, and celebrating our one year anniversary, one would think that we would be exhausted... but we arent.  We have both found our calling in life: Music for Steven and Physical Therapy for me.

This is my first "blog" since the xanga days...  And back in 2004 & 2005, I used xanga primarily to catch up on the gossip, find stuff to gossip about, or start drama.  Looking back, it wasnt a very good idea.  Never burn bridges... that would be my lesson I learned through highschool.  I am starting this for multiple reasons:
  1. Steven is leaving me in 21 days... gotta jot some of the things that are happening down...
  2. A lot of things have happened recently, and I would like to remember a lot of them.
  3. My mom gave me a journal when I moved into my dorm room at my freshman year at State that had a record of all of the memorable things that had happened to me since the day I was conceived.  Anything from things happening to me, my family, the country or the world was remembered in that rather large book (which she should get published).  I hope to remember at least half of the amount that she did. 
So this is my first post.  I think I am going to like this a lot better that Twitter...  I can write more and I don't have to check on it everyday.  Hopefuly my husband won't make fun of me as much for a blog as he did for my Twitter account.  Stay Strong, Pray Hard, and God Bless.

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